Adventures of Will

Every day is an adventure with William, here's what he's been up to lately...


"I wuv oo" and Movie Night

I've been signing "I love you" to Will every time I put him to bed. He usually tries to return the sign, but being unable to lower just two fingers it ends up looking like his fingers are doing the wave. We've practiced saying it too, along with the sign. So far it still my idea to say it, or sign it, but I can see the understanding in his eyes and I know he loves me too.
Today he took a nap. A long one that went until 4:30 pm. I didn't want to wake him any earlier because if he slept it off then we could have some great alone time this evening. It seems like all I do is correct or discipline him and there hasn't been much relational time lately. So tonight after Nina went to bed, he and I watched "Polar Express." I had heard it was a little suspenseful or possibly scary in places so I wanted to be sure one of us watched it either before or with him. He was so excited about the train and kept saying "chucka chucka chucka choo choo" in appropriate places. It was a lot of fun to share something with just him and no distractions. The last two weeks we have had a lot of company and actually moved his bed into our room (we put the guests in his room). The first week he had croup so it was perfect that we could hear him cough all night and help him if he needed it. This week he has been fine and I have re-discovered that he talks in his sleep! Several times recently I have bolted across the room only to find him fast asleep. Like father, like son.

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