catching up

Whoa, we have been busy lately! Mama hasn't written in a while because there was a wedding & Easter & some other stuff going on. But here's a picture of Dad & me on Easter. I really like this shirt. I call it my "sheshel shirt." On Easter I tried a hard-boiled egg. I took a big bite, but then I didn't try anymore. I love the "Daddy Chickens" though (Peeps.) I got some new shoes last week, they're so cool! I can take them off & put them on again all by myself! If only socks were this easy, Mama wouldn't have to help me at all! I have learned how to say lots of things and Mama & Dad are always laughing at me. I'm working really hard at being a good listener and a helper like they keep asking me to. I'm getting better at it. I love my sister a lot. She's going to have a birthday on Saturday. I guess it's a big deal. The weather has been nice lately so I get to go outside all the time now. I like to play t-ball and soccer. My favorite part of t-ball is catching the ball & running to back to Mama or Dad. Hitting is pretty hard. My new favorite movie is "Piglet's Big Movie." Pooh Bear is soooo silly! I say Piglet like this: "picklick." I am pretty good at talking on the phone now. Mama lets me talk to Daddy & Grandma & Auntie TyTy all the time. We're getting a new playground in our neighborhood next week, they took down the old one. I am so sad that the old one is gone. Mama keeps telling me about the new one, but I just can't see it. Mama said she'll have more pictures soon and will try to help me post again. I start swimming lessons next Tuesday! Yay, I can't wait!