July 4th

I didn't get to see any fireworks, but I had fun anyway. We went to Grandma & Grandpa R's house. We played & had dinner & played some more. We even took family pictures. My parents started doing this thing when I was a baby. Every year they buy the new Old Navy flag shirt - one for everybody. So every year we take a family picture with everyone in their new shirts. Mama really likes it. I didn't like having to change my shirt in the middle of the day. I was all tuckered out from the long day and I went to bed in Grandma's room. It was pretty fun because I got to sleep on a big down comforter & under my soccer ball sleeping bag. That is the coolest thing ever! Mama kept checking on me while all the fireworks were going off, but I never woke up from that. Grandpa told her that later in the night I rolled over on my Elmo book. It made noise & woke me up!
We have had nice weather on and off so far. I like the hot days because Mama puts water in the swimming pool. I love to run & jump & splash in it. Sometimes Nina comes in too. But usually she stands on the side & I get her wet anyway.
Last week my feet finally touched the pedals of my big wheel. It took so long to grow tall enough to touch and now I can pedal! I love to pedal pedal pedal! I'm not so good at steering. Sometimes I go off the sidewalk & into the street on accident.
Auntie Manders is marrying Uncle Jason at the end of the month. I get to be the ring bearer. Mama tells me that I have to hold hands with my friends Anna & Gabby. I'm going to wear a super cool suit with tails. I wonder if that is a doggy tail. If I do everything right then Uncle Jason will give me fruit snacks!
Mama wants me to try going potty on the potty chair again. I'm not sure what I think about this. But I like getting marshmallows when I go. I guess that's not so bad. She makes me sit there right before bath time. We sit for a while & make faces at each other. I try & try & try but it's still a new thing to me. Mama wants me to be able to tell her when I want to go. I don't know. But maybe I'll get more marshmallows if I do that!