Adventures of Will

Every day is an adventure with William, here's what he's been up to lately...


a prayer

(This is from Mama's perspective.)
Yesterday in the car Will was throwing a fit because he didn't want to go to Costco, "the hot dog store." We were more than halfway there in heavy traffic because of construction and I was beginning to lose it. Here's our conversation:
"William we're going to the store & there's nothing you can do about it. Do you need a time out & change your attitude?"
"Yes, time out!"
"Good, maybe you should pray about that." *IDEA SPARKS!* "Will, do you want to pray?"
Prayer is repeated something like this...
"Dear Jesus, help me. Help me change my attitude. Amen."
We exchanged a high five and he continued to be angry for another 2 minutes. Then he was fine. He was a little upset when we got to the store, but again his attitude changed. I've never tried having him pray for help, I'm always praying for help!

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