Catch Up

(from Mama)
Since it's now the end of October and we haven't written anything since August, let's catch up for a few minutes!
August was summer, definitely a hot one, but every time we made plans to go to the lake it would suddenly got cold. And every time we made plans to be indoors, or were just busy, it was HOT. Crazy. But Will went to Spokane with Daddy once & he enjoyed the alone time. Actually he was in Spokane a few times & each time he got to go swimming in the great-grandparent's pool. Let me dig around for a picture.
Okay, it's not of swimming. It's of Will hugging his baby cousin Lucas. Isn't that sweet? We went to the fair in Spokane with the fam, then went to the fair at home just a few days later. And as if Buddy Man wasn't fair-ed out by then, he went to the fair with just Daddy about a week after that. They went on rides & had a blast. This was Will's first year he's tall enough to go on the little kid rides. So that kind of sums up the fall. Buddy spent 10 days with Grandma & Granpda U while Daddy & I went on a vacation. He did really great & didn't miss us much until the very end. Potty training is going extremely slow, with mostly no motivation on his end. Oh well. He & Nina fight over toys a lot, but he never lets anyone else push her. He's very protective & makes sure she's always okay (except when he did it!) He's really into his routine & is very secure. His night time routine is pick up toys, bath, jammies, & say prayers in bed. (I know, we're not so great on night time tooth brushing.) But after we say prayers he's done. No stalling. He actually says, "okay Mama, ni-night. Go house, go take shower, go jammies, go bed." All very matter-of-fact. Okay, little buddy, I guess it is a good time for me to go to bed. :)