Adventures of Will

Every day is an adventure with William, here's what he's been up to lately...


October Recap

Mama hasn't written much for me lately so we will just summarize the whole month. I like punkins! Punkins are cool! Punkins are funny! Punkins are heavy! They make pretty good chairs too. We went to get punkins a few weeks ago but right after we brought them home someone took them. Mama found them down the street by the mailbox, cracked open. They couldn't be carved now so today we went to get a new one. It was so fun! Daddy drove me around in a little cart and I pointed out all the vegetables that I knew. I knew a lot of them! We picked out a nice big one and brought it home. We're going to save it in the garage until tomorrow. Maybe no one will take this one. The first time we went punkin picking we also got a green squash and a bunch of gourds. Daddy painted the squash like Larry from Veggie Tales. He looked so silly! Daddy painted one of the little gourds like Apollo Gourd from the Veggie Tales movie "Sumo of the Opera." That is a cool movie. I really like that one. It is fun to say "a paw woh." Sometimes Mama thinks I'm asking for a pillow so I have to say it more until she knows what I mean. I like the things Daddy paints. The stem came off the squash and he's molding now. It looks like someone hurt Larry's head. On Monday I'm going to wear my Superman pajamas over my red sweats. I think that will be silly! Baby Nina is going to wear a flower outfit. I'm sure Mama will take pictures. She's always taking pictures! At the top is a picture of my friend Isaac and me jumping on my bed. We had so much fun jumping! Both of us are good at jumping. We were supposed to be having quiet time, but we didn't. Mama even tried reading to me and then reading to Isaac in another room. But I missed my buddy and went to get him. His mom came over soon after that. I think he had quiet time later. My Grammy U and Auntie Ty came over this week. Uncle David came for a couple hours too. He's so funny. It was fun to play with new people. Someone was always ready to play outside with me. That is cool. Mama was happy and took a lot of naps. I like it when she's happy. That's all for now. Tomorrow's a new adventure!


New Boots

A few days ago we went shopping with my friend Anna & her family. We stopped at a shoe store. I love new shoes! There were really neat toys there. There was a table with sand and boats under glass and they moved by putting little things under the table and moving them! (Mama's note: the boats were magnetic, the kids used magnets under the table to move the boats around.) It was so confusing but after a while it was fun. Daddy made me try on lots of boots. Boots are cool. Daddy has boots too. And it's fun to say boots. It sounds like other fun words like "new" and "shoe!" The lady gave me stickers because she kept playing with my feet when I would rather be playing with the boats. Daddy put big yellow boots on me that were really heavy but I liked them. I got to wear them out of the store. But the boots were rubbing on my ankles funny. Mama said I needed special boot socks. So today she put big boot socks on my feet. My boots fit better & I could run in them today. I like the loud noise they make when I run!

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