where did May go?

Wow, June is already halfway over & Mama hasn't updated my page from the rest of May!
May was wild! I tried swimming lessons but I didn't like listening to the teacher & doing what she said. So we stopped. Mama had doctor's appointments all the time so I saw a lot of Grandma R & babysitters. Nina turned 1 and had a big birthday party - it was so much fun! I love birthdays! I tried to be a good big brother & help her unwrap her presents.
Then we went on vacation. My first vacation! I loved the pool at Auntie Susan's! The water was so cold, but my surf shirt made it better. I wasn't afraid of going under the water because I always came right back up. We also went to Sea World and I got to see a walrus really close up! Daddy helped me touch seastars and we saw "barca" whales do jumps in the water. That was awesome. I'm tired right now so I'm going to stop there. I'll help Mama update this page more often - there's not enough pictures!
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